Filing Petition for Injunction Online
A Petitioner, also referred to as a self–represented litigant, may choose to electronically file a Petition for Injunction using the statewide e–Filing Portal. You may access the Portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to file a Petition.
E–filing is not required in order to file a Petition for Injunction. The Clerk's Office accepts paper filings during regularly scheduled business hours.
What You Will Need to Begin e-Filing
- A valid email address and regular access to email to receive electronically filed documents.
- Access to a computer with an internet connection.
- Documents to be filed must be in Microsoft Word 97 (or higher), WordPerfect or Adobe PDF.
- If filing to an existing case, the case number you are filing to.
Accessing the Portal
- Go to the Portal website at
- Click on the Register Now! link. The Portal will guide you through the registration process. Select Self-Represented Litigant as your role.
- Once you are a registered user, enter your Username and Password to login to the Portal.
Filing Your Petition
- When you login to the Portal, the e–Filing map will display. Select the filing jurisdiction, then select New or Existing case. Click File New.
- Enter the information as required on each tab. Use the Next button to move from tab to tab.
- The final tab is Review and Submit. Review the information entered. If correct, click Submit. If you need to make changes, click on the appropriate tab to make the changes and go back to Submit.
After filing your Petition through the Portal, you will receive two emails: One email confirming the Petition is submitted and a second email when the Petition is accepted. If the Petition is not accepted for any reason, it will be returned to you for correction. If this occurs, the portal will notify you via email with the reason the document(s) is being returned to you. At that time you may log back into the Portal to correct and re-submit.
Note: If you e–File your documents, do not file the paper copy with the Clerk’s Office.