Self Help Center

Self Help Center FAQs

What is the Self Help Center?

The Clerk’s Self Help Center is designed to provide legal assistance to Orange County citizens who are representing themselves before the court and do not have a private attorney. It is the first of its kind in our community to help people who either don’t have a lawyer or cannot afford one.

What services are offered at the Self Help Center?

The Self Help Center offers assistance to customers in completing court forms, filing documents electronically and providing access to contracted attorneys at an affordable price. Other services available at the Self Help Center are printing, copying, notary and general consultations.

What types of cases will the Self Help Center offer assistance with?

The Self Help Center will assist only with the following case types:

  • Family Law (excluding restraining orders)
    • Child Custody    
    • Divorce    
    • Paternity
  • Small Claims
  • Residential Evictions
Once you have filed the required document(s) with the Court in the Self Help Center and/or online through eportal, you must inform the Family Court Case Management Department through the submission of an online inquiry form for an update, case status or a court date on Paternity, Dissolution of Marriage, Name Change or Extending Family cases.

  • Follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on Programs & Services
    • Click on Family Court Case Management
    • Click on Inquiry form for Orange County (right side of page 'Orange County Courthouse')

What is Family Law?

Family Law consists of alimony, child custody/visitation, child support, contempt, divorce, name change, paternity, step-parent adoption, support unconnected with dissolution of marriage and temporary custody.

Once you have filed the required document(s) with the Court in the Self Help Center and/or online through eportal, you must inform the Family Court Case Management Department through the submission of an online inquiry form for an update, case status or a court date on Paternity, Dissolution of Marriage, Name Change or Extending Family cases.

  • Follow these steps:
    • Go to
    • Click on Programs & Services
    • Click on Family Court Case Management
    • Click on Inquiry form for Orange County (right side of page 'Orange County Courthouse')

How can I schedule a virtual attorney consultation?

Attorney consultations are set by appointment and must be for a minimum of 15 minutes, charged at $1.00 a minute. Consultations may not exceed more than one hour at one time within a day. You will need a credit card in order to schedule the consultation online.

How do I schedule an appointment without access to the internet?

If you do not have access to a computer or smart device at home, you can come to the Self Help Center at the Downtown Courthouse, room 340 to schedule an appointment in person or use a customer computer in the center.

How can I schedule an attorney consultation without a credit card?

Come in to the Self Help Center and make an appointment with a deputy clerk at the front counter.

What if I am unable to schedule an appointment due to a disability?

You may call the Ninth Circuit Court's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) line at (407) 836-2303 to leave a message for further assistance.

When is the Self Help Center open?

Orange County Courthouse - Downtown

The downtown Self Help Center is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Winter Park Branch
Winter Park Self Help Services is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Are there income restrictions to receive services?

No. Services provided at the Self Help Center are not based on your income.

What is the Self Help Center's phone number?

Orange County Courthouse - Downtown
You can contact the downtown Self Help Center by calling 407-836-6300 for the downtown Courthouse.


Winter Park Branch
You can contact Winter Park Self Help Services by calling 407-836-2007 for the Winter Park branch.